
I have served as a program committee member for leading conferences in artificial intelligence and formal methods.

    • PC Member: IJCAI 2025, CAV 2025, AAAI 2025, NeurIPS 2024, IJCAI 2024, ECAI 2024, FMCAD 2024, RV 2024, AAAI 2024, VMCAI 2024, TACAS 2024, RV 2023, iFM 2023, AAAI 2023, AAMAS 2023, CONCUR 2023, SPIN 2023, RV 2022, NSV 2022, CAV 2022, SAC 2022, AAAI-22, VMCAI 2022, AAAI-21, SAC 2021, IJCAI-PRICAI 2020, AAAI-20.

Organization and Outreach

October 21, 2024Verification Mentoring Workshop at ATVA 2024, Kyoto, Japan. Organizing committee and chair.
July 22–23, 2024International Symposium on AI Verification (SAIV) collocated with CAV 2024 in Montreal, Canada. Program Chair.
July 17, 20233rd WOLVERINE (Workshop on Open Problems in Learning and Verification of Neural Networks) during CAV 2023, Paris, France. Organizing team.
November 15–23, 2022F+Cube​ Week 2022 on TU Delft campus: Kick-off week of the Future Female+ Faculty (F+Cube​) mentorship program connecting junior self-identified female computer scientists all over the world with senior faculty at TU Delft. Delft, The Netherlands. Head organizer.
August 11, 20222nd WOLVERINE (Workshop on Open Problems in Learning and Verification of Neural Networks) during FLoC 2022, Haifa, Israel. Organizing team.
July 23–26, 2022The 31th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and The 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-ECAI 2022, Vienna, Austria. Local Diversity & Inclusion Chair.
October 18, 2021WOLVERINE (Workshop on Open Problems in Learning and Verification of Neural Networks) during ATVA 2021, virtually. Organizing team.
August 24–25, 2021Borderless: Diversity of Academic and Industrial Careers across Continents during IJCAI-21. Organizer and moderator.
June 2, 2021Zoom a Scientist: Introducing primary school students to robots and machine learning. Volunteer from IST Austria.
January–May, 2021TFCS Seminar at Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, USA. Organizing committee member. Discussion group on Open Problems in Neural-Network Controlled Systems at Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, USA. Leading facilitator.
December 19, 2020Moderating a discussion around the documentary “Picture a Scientist” at the New Economic School Alumni event.
January 26, 20193D Projection Mapping “Steps of Logic”, Vienna Ball of Sciences, Austria.
October 1, 2018Beginners’ Trail 2018, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. Represented Cyber-Physical Systems Team consulting first-year bachelor students on the ongoing research activities.
September 10–13, 2018SEMANTiCS Conference 2018, Vienna, Austria. A member of the volunteering team.
October 16–20, 201731st International Symposium on Distributed Computing, Vienna, Austria. A member of the volunteering team.
September 18–22, 2017Alpine Verification Meeting/RiSE Workshop 2017, Budapest, Hungary. Formal and probabilistic verification, games, synthesis, and decision procedures. Head of the organizing committee.
September 26–29, 2016RiSE Workshop 2016, Pöllauberg, Austria. Formal and probabilistic verification, games, synthesis, and decision procedures. Head of the organizing committee.
April 11–14, 2016CPSWeek 2016, Vienna, Austria. A member of the official organizing committee.